Rickshaw Run 2020

Imagine yourself and 4 friends in two single donkey powered rolling tin cans, desperately trying to traverse India…

Well, I’ve committed to help drive two auto rickshaws across the Indian sub-continent from Jaisalmer in the far north to Kochi is the far south. This unsupported run of over 2,600 kms must be completed within 14 days. There is no set route, no back-up and no way of knowing if we’re going to make it. The only certainty is we will get lost, we will get stuck and we probably will break down!

At the time, this seemed like a sensible way to raise funds and awareness for Athletics for Kids and Cool Earth – now I’m not so sure ☺  But thanks to SailPoint and our other corporate sponsors, we are well on our way to meeting our fund-raising goals, so we’re going for it!  You can help, by contributing to the cause or by simply following along here or on the SailPoint blog page – I’ll be sending in regular updates as we traverse the country.

There’s a PDF flyer with the proposed journey and information on our selected benefiting charities available here and (giving links below).  If you’re based at the SailPoint Pune office, we’re planning to stop by – hopefully Wednesday the 8th of January – fingers crossed we make it on time and stay on three (yes that’s three) wheels!

Cool Earth –  https://www.coolearth.org/campaigns/31235/rickshaw-run-india-january-2020/

Athletics for Kids: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/athletics-for-kids-financial-assistance-bc-society/p2p/rickshaw-run/

Jump back in and climb


After breaking a finger back in the fall, I’m back on the wall and climbing again!  I’ve signed back up for the Main Event membership and plan to get up there a couple of evenings a week.

Turns out that the increased girth of my repaired knuckle works rather well in a finger crack, a bit like a small Wild Country rock 🙂